Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Shawl Whisperer

WhispThis shawl is no ordinary piece of clothing. While gifts allow us to remember friends and loved ones when we travel or move to far away places, the whiSpiral is a new kind of keepsake that explores how technology can enhance the way garments and accessories evoke memories of these relationships.

And I simply *love* the point of inspiration... The whiSpiral is inspired by the power of a simple human voice to evoke rich memories of a person or relationship, and by the power of a whisper as a medium of intimacy.

Circuitry is directly integrated in the textile that allows you to record up to 9 audio messages at different points in a spiral-shaped shawl. The messages are whispered back each time you wrap the shawl around yourself, or caress a different part of the fabric. The whiSpiral would be a perfect going away gift.


Anonymous said...

Very nice blog,

Did you visit my blog????

Alice said...

Thanks Hobici! :)

Just dropped by... keep coming back.


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